Welcome You Are a CEO Executive Club #3

Dear CEO's,
We congratulate you on beginning your journey. This will be an exciting time for you as you learn the executive skill sets of a CEO. As you know our CEO Michael E. Parker and his team was traveling the last 2 weeks and part of the trip was spent introducing people in the Greater Baton Rouge area to the You Are a CEO program. It was warmly received and we are now exited to begin the next journey with you. If you are reading this you have already received your invite. The first ones were sent out but not accepted so we are starting a bit past schedule but we will make up lost time as we go. So hold on and enjoy the ride. Please contact our office if you need assistance posting your blogs and on behalf of the You Are a CEO staff welcome to the "You Are a CEO Executive Club #3".

As a CEO, one must learn the importance of positive relationships. Today's lesson explains the relationship path and how it help you with the steps every relationship will explore.; Now That you've completed the personal awareness course. Let see how positive thinking can increase you endeavors of becoming a CEO.; Mr. Parker motivates CEO's to feel obligated to impact people's lives around them.; Begin Your Journey To Becoming A CEO by First Understanding Personal Awareness; What does discipline mean for a CEO? Mr. Parker explains discipline from a different perspective.; It is imperative that all CEO's must first be themselves before expressing themselves in a business; business; business training; centered; entrepreneurship training; life organization; management; startup; stellar; value; you are a ceo; Mr. Parker explains why lifeskills are important; http://link.brightcove.com/services/link/bcpid1213860517http://www.brightcove.com/channel.jsp?channel=1119361800

Friday, November 30, 2007

Goal Setting Class

Hi CEO's

The Blog has been very quiet. I know with the holiday's everyone is busy so don't worry we understand...

It was great to see some of you at the "Goal Setting" workshop. I really enjoyed it and I think it was impactful.

I found myself writing down my goals and making sure that the short term goals were in line with the long term goals.

Well, just checking in... Have a Great Weekend.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

I Am Not Going To Ask You To Work

I know your in Holiday mode... Turkey, Dressing and Cranberry Sauce is all that is on your brain.

Me too.

I had a wonderful time this Thanksgiving because I love spending time with my friends and family but I did miss all of you.

I made the Mac and Cheese or as my friend I/E says "Cheese and Macaroni" it was so good but I am sure at least 1000 calories per serving (ha ha ha). Lets just say it was super cheesy!

I use industrial cream, butter and tons of cheese so that when you are making 10 lbs of Macaroni it wont be dry and it will stay creamy even after 1 or 2 days in the fridge.

The secret to my sauce is shush "hot sauce". I use both red Crystal Hot Sauce and Green Tabasco in my cheese sauce to make it spicy and then I add some Velveeta and the special secret is "Hickory Farms" Smokey Log Cheese. Yum.

Anyway I hope you had a Super Stellar CEO Thanksgiving and I want to hear all of your stories...and if by chance you want to share anything slightly related to You Are A CEO Club I am all ears.

Happy Thanksgiving

Monday, November 19, 2007

Your All Invited to a Luncheon

Hello Everyone Your Invited to a Luncheon We Are Sponsoring for a Great Cause

The "It Takes You" luncheon hosted by lifeskills 411 will be on December 9th at 11:30 am - 1:00 pm at the Emeryville Hilton. Donations are $50 for adults and $40 for youth 17 and under and seniors 65 and older.

We are having this luncheon to bring awareness to what lifeskills is doing to teach youth and their parents the skills they need for life. When you attend a You Are a CEO program a percentage of the profits go to support lifeskills 411. So come see what YOU ARE doing to help our youth.

We are attempting to build an army of concerned people who can promote unity in working on solutions for our youth and their families. There will be excellent networking and sponsorship opportunities.

Please help us spread the word about the event. We are seeking sponsors who may want to underwrite (support it financially) this critical event.

Please register on line at www.lifeskills411.org or contact us at (510) 741-2045.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Go Ahead take a step, we're hear to help you.

Hello Fellow CEO Club members,

On behalf of the You Are A CEO Program, we want to let you know that our program will change your life, we are living witnesses that if you take the time to go through the program in a systematic approach, you WILL HAVE GREAT SUCCESS.

Phase 1 - Are you personally aware?
Phase 2 - How Positive are you? It starts in the mind, what type of thought run through your mind during the course of the day and do you have the tools to filter the good from the not so good?
Phase 3 -Are the people around you making deposits or withdrawals, positive or negative to your life? and if there negative, do you know how to properly with tact and integrity end the relationship on a positive note?
Phase 4 - What the world needs now is DISCIPLINE!! Did you know that there is more than one type of discipline?

Once you've gone through these phases, let us know your thoughts.

We're anxiously awaiting to hear your feedback.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Knock Knock

Just checking in on you. The audio books are easy to listen to if you put them on your IPOD or in your car. You can also listen to them before you get ready for bed when you are relaxed and winding down.

I put mind on my IPOD and listened to them over and over. I got something new each time. After I was totally absorbed in The Audio Books I went over the DVD's.

So take some time, if you have not already and listen to those audio books. I am so glad I did.


Thursday, November 1, 2007


Good evening fellow CEO members,
On behalf of the CEO Program Team, we would like to say congratulations!!
This program is not for the average person and because you have decided to take control of YOUR OWN LIFE, you have displayed that you are a CEO.
By now you should've listened to Personal Awareness, let us hear your thoughts.
Wasn't it thought provoking? Did it cause you to say, " I didn't know that about myself", or " No wonder why I keep doing these same old things and getting the same old results, I learned this behavior years ago", or I'm so glad someone has taken the time to help me see me just a little bit more, I've always wanted to change but never had THE RIGHT TOOLS to accomplish my goals. If you answered yes to any of these questions, you are well on your way.
This program is the BEST personal development tool that anyone could ever take part in and once you completed the program, we're confident that you'll tell your friends, family, co-workers, everyone you know that you CARE about and that you know want to change.
Open your mind, take a deep breath, and get ready to be FREE.