Welcome You Are a CEO Executive Club #3

Dear CEO's,
We congratulate you on beginning your journey. This will be an exciting time for you as you learn the executive skill sets of a CEO. As you know our CEO Michael E. Parker and his team was traveling the last 2 weeks and part of the trip was spent introducing people in the Greater Baton Rouge area to the You Are a CEO program. It was warmly received and we are now exited to begin the next journey with you. If you are reading this you have already received your invite. The first ones were sent out but not accepted so we are starting a bit past schedule but we will make up lost time as we go. So hold on and enjoy the ride. Please contact our office if you need assistance posting your blogs and on behalf of the You Are a CEO staff welcome to the "You Are a CEO Executive Club #3".

As a CEO, one must learn the importance of positive relationships. Today's lesson explains the relationship path and how it help you with the steps every relationship will explore.; Now That you've completed the personal awareness course. Let see how positive thinking can increase you endeavors of becoming a CEO.; Mr. Parker motivates CEO's to feel obligated to impact people's lives around them.; Begin Your Journey To Becoming A CEO by First Understanding Personal Awareness; What does discipline mean for a CEO? Mr. Parker explains discipline from a different perspective.; It is imperative that all CEO's must first be themselves before expressing themselves in a business; business; business training; centered; entrepreneurship training; life organization; management; startup; stellar; value; you are a ceo; Mr. Parker explains why lifeskills are important; http://link.brightcove.com/services/link/bcpid1213860517http://www.brightcove.com/channel.jsp?channel=1119361800

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

The Learning is In The Doing...

The You Are a CEO program was designed in a way that you would have a three phase approach to the learning. First you will hear the audio CD or watch a DVD to introduce yourself to the program. Then you will read your handouts which reinforces the topic and gives you time to consider how this can be applied to your life. Then the blogging or exercises that are done seal the deal because the learning is in the doing. When you actually do a project or task you implement...then it becomes a part of you.

The Organize Your Life section was really beneficial for me. I learned to organize my life which make work and life easier. It feels good just to have things in order and of course any business office will be judged by customers when it is unorganized and messy. There is so much personal satisfaction when I sit down at my desk each day and there is no clutter.

My desk top is clean and everything is organized. My in basket holds new work, my out basket holds work that is going out and my work in progress basket holds what I am presently working on. My file drawers store items I may need at a later date for reference. To maintain my work area I take time each week to throw away things I don't use and then on a regular basis we conduct S.A.F.E.-T. days where the whole office makes sure we are all implementing the principles of the You Are a CEO program. Oh and we even has a monitor who checks us out... I love it and you will too!

1 comment:

Julie Parker, Social Media Executive said...

You Have to Keep it up also,

Maintain your work area by setting up a plan of action to keep it clean.

Example: Monday, wipe down, Tuesday discard excess and so forth.